How well do you manage Diabetes in Latino patients
developer2017-08-19T17:37:05-04:00Jay H. Shubrook, DO: Hi. This is Jay Shubrook, DO, professor and diabetologist at Truro University, California. Today, we're going to continue our series on practical use of insulin in primary care. Our program is here at the American Diabetes Association's 77th Scientific Session in San Diego, California. I'm happy today to have Carlos Campos, [...]
Improving the Care and Management of Hispanics with Diabetes
developer2017-07-31T03:05:13-04:00Overview: Healthcare professionals treating Hispanic patients with diabetes need to be rigorous in monitoring and treating this disease. Special considerations are required to address adherence issues and cultural norms. How can physicians learn to care and manage this growing population? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, executive director for the Institute for Public [...]
Efficacy and safety of liraglutide, a once-daily human glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue, in Latino/Hispanic patients with type 2 diabetes: post hoc analysis of data from four phase III trials
developer2017-07-31T03:04:48-04:00J. A. Davidson, D. D. Ørsted & C. Campos February 2016 and Posted June 2016 The aim of the present analysis was to evaluate the efficacy of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide in Latino/Hispanic individuals with type 2 diabetes, in addition to comparing its treatment effects with those observed in non-Latino/Hispanic individuals. Analyses were [...]
Tips for Communicating With Overweight and Obese Patients
developer2017-07-31T03:04:22-04:00Carlos Campos, MD, MPH, CDE July 2014 Introduction: A chronic disease such as obesity is primarily managed by the patient who will make decisions on a daily basis that affect their health outcomes. To effectively self-manage their disease, overweight and obese patients must have the necessary knowledge, skills, and motivation to implement a treatment plan [...]
Chronic Hyperglycemia and Glucose Toxicity: Pathology and Clinical Sequelae
developer2017-07-31T03:04:01-04:00Carlos Campos, MD, MPH November 2012 Abstract: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a progressive disease characterized by elevated plasma glucose levels. Type 2 DM results from a combination of factors affecting both peripheral tissue insulin sensitivity and β-cell function. A survey of the scientific literature on DM, glucose toxicity, hyperglycemia, nephropathy, neuropathy, reactive oxygen [...]
Addressing Cultural Barriers to the Successful Use of Insulin in Hispanics with Type 2 Diabetes
developer2017-07-31T03:03:38-04:00Carlos Campos, MD, MPH August 2007 Abstract: Hispanics experience a higher rate of diabetes than non- Hispanic whites and tend to have worse glycemic control and a greater risk of diabetes related complications. Once oral antidiabetic agents become insufficient, insulin plays an important role in achieving glycemic goals. However, many Hispanic patients are resistant to [...]
Treating the Whole Patient for Optimal Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Considerations for Insulin Therapy
developer2017-07-31T03:03:10-04:00Carlos Campos, MD, MPH August 2007 Abstract: Primary care physicians are responsible for providing healthcare to most patients with type 2 diabetes. In this role, it is critical that physicians utilize a whole-patient treatment approach that includes lifestyle modifications and pharmacotherapy aimed to achieve glycemic control, in addition to the management of any comorbid conditions [...]
Narrowing the Cultural Divide in Diabetes Mellitus Care: A Focus on Improving Cultural Competency to Better Serve Hispanic/Latino Populations
developer2017-07-31T03:02:43-04:00Carlos Campos, MD, MPH, Executive Director The Institute for Public Health and Education Research Inc., New Braunfels, Texa April 2006 s Background: The number of people who belong to minority groups is increasing in the United States. Many of these groups are more prone to diabetes mellitus (DM), possibly due to a genetic predilection [...]